Thursday, March 13, 2014

Florida - Footprints

As I was walking along the beach the other day I came along lots of prints. People, dogs, horses, tire tracks, small birds, crabs and probably some others. One of them stood out among the others due to its size....

Pretty big in my opinion!

Further investigation was required here. I had read on the rental website that bald eagles were nesting in the vincinity and on my 'footprint' Google search I also came across the heron as an option.

If any of my ornithologist friends (not sure if I have any but if I do, please make yourself known) can shed a light on this mystery, please let me know.

While on the subject of footprints, I'll throw in a few more :)

No clarification needed here, from left to right: Floortje, Barbara, Famke.

And this one is yours truly ❤️



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