Saturday, December 20, 2014

Special encounter

Like last year, I have made the girls an advent calendar but we have also put up our kindness calendar again. On it we can make a little note of what 'acts of kindness' we performed that day. We do not have the calendar with the purpose of patting ourselves on the back for good deeds done but more to not let us forget to be kind to others.

This morning Famke and I put together two bags with some items to give to homeless people. It contained a fleece blanket, some toiletries, a few treats and a christmas card.

We put the two bags in the car as we headed to Houston with Poezeoma to go the Houston Ballet performance of the Nutcracker.

After the beautiful show we decided to have some dinner nearby. As I stepped out of the car a man passed us and greeted me. I greeted him back and the conversation that followed left a big impression on me. I will try to reconstruct below although it is probably not literal.

Man: M'am, you just spoke to me like I am a person

Me: But you are!

Man: Yes, I know, I am a person but not everyone talks to me like that

The conversation went back and forward for a while

Me: Can I give you something

Man (sounding scared): Did I say something wrong?

Me: No! I just have something I would like to give you.

I took one of the bags from the car and gave it to him. His face lit up and he made a little dance.

Man: I can't believe it, thank you! I could have turned right but I walked straight and I ran into you! God is great!

Not sure God was involved in this encounter but it was special and humbling. Looking back I think about what more I should have added to the bag but above all it was just nice to see him so happy. The other bag is still in the car. We'll make sure that we find someone else to give it to soon.

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