Sunday, March 3, 2013

Cowgirl weekend

What to do when you live in Texas?? Spend a weekend at a ranch of course!
So that is what 12 Dutch girls in Texas did! Most of us arrived on Friday night when it was very dark. However the two ranch houses were warm and welcoming and a glass of wine was quickly poured.
The next morning it was time to saddle our horses (ummm, get on the horse that the cowboys had saddled for us) and take a ride over the prairie. Having never ridden a horse in my life before, this was quite an adventure but luckily these horses have been trained to deal with people like me and it was a pretty smooth ride.
One of the most amazing things of this weekend for me was talking to the cowboys. They don't just do this to entertain the tourists but this is really their way of life. They ride horses like we ride our bike and their idea of a nightmare is taking a trip to Houston or even Katy! In their time off they practice calf roping so they can compete in the local rodeos. They also told me that the horses and bulls in the rodeos 'buck' because they have a leather strap tied tightly around their flank and not around their balls as the story goes!
The rest of the weekend was spent having pecan pie for lunch and BBQ for dinner, going on a Kawasaki tour to see the longhorns and buffaloes up close, drinking wine around the campfire and catching up with good friends.
Thanks girls, it was a great weekend! Yee haa!


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